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Public life is also determined by risks or can itself be a risk.

When it comes to the issue of the safety of employees and their families, political and social developments can also play a very special role. Especially in countries with critical or unstable situations or authoritarian conditions, the assessment of the circumstances is particularly difficult, but also important.

We can describe the character of the event, like something disturbing public life, like supply disruptions or unrest, but not the concrete event itself.

news before it’s on the news? We can’t predict the headlines for the next few weeks, but we can try to determine if there will be a likelihood of special headlines.

The reactions and activities of the population, economy, and social life also behave as if in waves.

The regularity of these waves determines our lives, like the daily rush hour.

It is expected and therefore gives a certain level of security.

However, if there are breaks in the development, e.g., a traffic jam after an accident or a construction site on the motorway, reactions arise that are recognizable in our calculations as special breaks and can be described in this framework in general.

Wolfgang Hauck

Head of World Risk Map Org